New Chapter

Created by marie 15 years ago
Its still really difficult for me to write down Jaces story as i still shed buckets of tears because i love him and miss him sill so very very much, i allways will. Jace was by far th nicest person i have or ever will meet in my lifetime. He saw all he encounterd wll awe and wonderment, finding treasure in the smallest of hings that so called norma people dont think about or evenlook twice at. For example running fingers over the metal casement on a radiator made a noise that would give Jace a bad body curling uncontrolable chuckle which was catching. Anyon and every one clos by would first look in bewilderment at us andthen within a couple of seconds they would by laughig and chuckling a well. Remembering makes me smile and cry at the same time which in itself is a very strange experiance indeed. I have only been writing this chapter for a few mins and all ready my eyes are blued and my face has streaks of macara running down it and im well into the every ready box of tissues.